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Core Photographs and Digital Images

Whole-Core Photographs

Whole-core photos are available in black-and-white 8 × 10 inch prints, 35-mm color slides, or scanned images (high-resolution TIFF files). Requests can be made to the Data Librarian. Please include the DSDP/ODP/IODP core-naming convention when placing requests (i.e., Leg-Site-Hole-Core). IODP whole-core photos are available only through Expedition 312.

Low-resolution whole-core images (300 dpi; PDF files) can be obtained from the Janus database Core Photo query.

Digital Images of Core Sections

Line-scan digital images of the archive-half core sections captured with the Digital Imaging System can be obtained starting with ODP Leg 198 from the Janus database Core Photo query or LIMS.

Close-up Photographs

Close-up photographs are available in black-and-white 8 × 10 inch prints, 35-mm color slides, or scanned digital images (high-resolution TIF files). Requests can be made to the Data Librarian. Please include the ODP/IODP core-naming convention when placing requests (i.e., Leg-Site-Hole-Core-Section-Top interval). Requests can only be made for close-up photos taken during a cruise. Close-up photos can be obtained starting with DSDP Leg 46 from the Janus database Closeup Photo query or LIMS.


Access to these files is subject to usually a 1-year moratorium after the end of each expedition. The moratorium period can be longer if sampling takes place postcruise.

Globus Data for Download

High-resolution linescan, core table, thin section, and closeup images of drill cores and samples from DSDP, ODP and IODP projects are available for download using the Globus web app.


Whole-core photo Section scan Close-up photo
Whole core photo Digital section scan Close-up photo