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Guidelines for Second Postcruise Meetings


The main purpose of the second post-expedition meeting is to maximize scientific impact through review and coordination of post-expedition investigations in advance of publication of scientific results in accordance with the IODP Sample, Data, and Obligations Policy. It is the responsibility of the Co-Chief Scientists with help from the staff scientist to plan for and chair an efficient and timely meeting.

Request for meeting and approval process

The Staff Scientist will on behalf of the Co-Chief Scientists formulate a meeting proposal and submit it to the JRSO Supervisor of Science Support. This request must be made a minimum of 6 months pre-meeting and should include primary and alternate choices for a meeting site, a draft agenda, comments on timeliness in relation to progress of work and publication obligations, a named host, and indications of the level of costs (accommodations and facilities). It should also briefly explain the rationale behind the choices of meeting venues. A majority of the expedition participants must support the choices of meeting venues submitted for approval. The JRSO will send the final meeting information to the IODP Program Member Offices (PMOs).

Meeting location and costs

Second post-expedition meetings should take place in an IODP member country and must have a host, preferably an expedition participant. The host will be responsible for all costs associated with the meeting facilities, excluding accommodations and meals. The meeting facility will require suitable meeting room(s), audio-visual facilities, internet access, and printing and copying equipment, as deemed necessary for a specific meeting. Meeting attendees travel on their own travel funds and may seek support from their national IODP program. An appropriate balance of meetings among IODP member countries is desirable. Meeting locations requiring complex and/or expensive travel should be avoided. The national IODP support programs are encouraged to provide guidelines for the level of travel support that meeting attendees can expect to obtain.

Related activities

Holding meetings in conjunction with related scientific conferences or at locations of specific scientific relevance (e.g., geology, institution, outreach) is encouraged. If an associated field excursion is proposed, the rationale for the event and possible travel and cost implications it might impose on the meeting participants must be documented. A meeting with an associated field excursion does not imply that meeting attendees will be reimbursed for participation in the field excursion by their national support program.