CrossRef Cited-by Linking search results for: 10.2204/iodp.proc.320321.106.2010

This article [doi:10.2204/iodp.proc.320321.106.2010] has been cited in the following papers from scholarly and commercial publishers participating in CrossRef's Cited-by Linking service. Citation results may be incomplete because not all publishers participate in Cited-by Linking.

Journal Title Article Title Year DOI
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Trace metal (Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca) analyses of single coccoliths by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry 2014 10.1016/j.gca.2014.09.041
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Assessing the impact of diagenesis on δ11B, δ13C, δ18O, Sr/Ca and B/Ca values in fossil planktic foraminiferal calcite 2015 10.1016/j.gca.2015.06.018
Series Title Year DOI
Proceedings of the IODP 2013 10.2204/iodp.proc.320321.210.2013